How SculpSure Can Slim You Down Without Painful Surgery

sculpsure, Qvita Health & Wellness,

The popularity of non-invasive, body contouring and fat-removal systems like SculpSure continues to grow. In a given year, over a quarter of people choose non-invasive body contouring over traditional and painful liposuction. If you can get the results you're looking for without the pain, shouldn't you? Could SculpSure even surpass your expectations of traditional fat-reduction procedures? Let's take a look at how SculpSure could help you slim down for summer without painful surgery.

What is SculpSure?

SculpSure is a revolutionary body-slimming system that safely and effectively melts fat under your skin without damaging the skin or other part of the body. Once the laser melts the fat cells, your lymphatic system pulls the dead and damaged cells out of the area over the next several weeks, after which your body processes them out of the system through natural elimination.

What parts of the body work well with SculpSure?

Sculpsure has been FDA-cleared to treat:

Peggy Demetriou, ARNP, FNP-BC applies a skin-cooling gel and then attaches a SculpSure-patented applicator to one of these parts of the body to target stubborn fat, eliminating up to 24 percent of the fat in that area. Once the fat cells have been removed, those cells don't return. Continue to maintain a healthy exercise and diet routine to keep the results for a very long time.

SculpSure vs. liposuction

When we're talking about painful fat-removal surgery, the most common one is liposuction, a procedure that is actually very brutal on your body. While under general anesthesia, a liposuction doctor cuts several holes in your body, through which he or she inserts a heating rod into your body and moves it around to quickly burn up fat cells somewhat indiscriminately. After the cells melt, he or she sticks a vacuum in through the holes to suck the fat cells out into a jar. Maybe you've seen a video on one of these cosmetic surgery shows. We'd definitely recommend seeing it for yourself before considering this procedure, especially when you have a non-invasive option that can be just as effective.

Liposuction traumatizes the body, leaving you bruised, often bleeding, and unable to move much while you stay dependant on addictive opioid painkillers for several weeks to ease the pain. You may not be able to work or be active socially for several months, assuming your healing goes well. You'll require regular wound care until the entry points heal, which requires the assistance of another person, and because the procedure is so invasive, you have increased risk of infection and have to have built-up fluid regularly pumped out of your body. On top of all of this, too many people have lipo only to discover afterward that their skin is droopy and wrinkly. Just wait until you hear how SculpSure is different!

Compare the above to a 25-minute, non-invasive SculpSure session. A knife never touches your body. The laser can precisely target the fat more effectively than a heated rod. SculpSure involves no sucking, as it instead allows your lymphatic system to slowly and naturally remove the melted fat cells. You may need two or more sessions and it may take six to 12 weeks to fully reveal the slimmer you, but there is virtually no downtime, so really no one even has to know you had the procedure. It mimics natural weight loss, but faster.

As an added bonus, laser procedures like SculpSure can actually tighten the skin in the location of the applicators, which prevents other painful and invasive procedures like a tummy tuck and other skin removal procedures. This makes SculpSure the preferred option for a contoured look and feel as well as a bikini (or swim trunk) ready body in time for summer.

If you want a slimmer, more contoured shape without the painful surgery, contact Qvita Health & Wellness today.

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